
DIABLO statistics for feeder1-2.proxad.net (Top1000 4) on Sun 30 Jun 2024

Newsfeed Contact: NewsMaster

Generated on 20240630 0014 by feeder-stats v4.005. Copyright © 2002 The Diablo Project.

  1. Summary of Incoming Feeds by Article
  2. Summary of Incoming Feeds by Volume
  3. Summary of Incoming Feeds by Estimated Rejected Volume
  4. Summary of Incoming Feeds by Time
  5. Summary of Outgoing Feeds by Article
  6. Summary of Outgoing Feeds by Volume
  7. Summary of Outgoing Feeds by Estimated Rejected Volume
  8. Summary of Outgoing Feeds by Time
  9. Summary of Outgoing Queue
  10. Summary of Curious Activity

Diablo running processes:  11    Dnewslink running processes:  53

 00:14:08 up 397 days, 15:02,  1 user,  load average: 0.24, 0.06, 0.02

Filesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/sda1             8.7G  570M  8.2G   7% /news
/dev/md1               69G   49G   21G  71% /news/spool/news/md1
/dev/md2               69G   49G   21G  71% /news/spool/news/md2
/dev/md3               69G   49G   21G  71% /news/spool/news/md3
/dev/md4               69G   49G   21G  71% /news/spool/news/md4
/dev/md5               69G   49G   21G  71% /news/spool/news/md5
/dev/md6               69G   49G   21G  71% /news/spool/news/md6
/dev/md7               69G   49G   21G  71% /news/spool/news/md7

1. Summary of Incoming Feeds by Article

Incoming Feed (+ Top1000 #)Accepted%Acc%TotArt/secVolume%VolKB/artCheckIhaveSpamTooOldRejsErrs
1 feeder1-1.proxad.net  4 764801 8970.22 98.96 8.85 39.74GB 99.94 54.48 5779 0 0 0 2747 0
2 iqoq.erje.net   2429 17.07 0.31 0.03 6.20MB 0.02 2.61 14211 0 0 0 20 0
3 fleegle.mixmin.net   1779 11.07 0.23 0.16 5.41MB 0.01 3.12 16015 0 0 0 49 0
4 vsrv1.qas.us.weretis.net   1697 28.94 0.22 0.12 4.45MB 0.01 2.68 5806 0 0 0 57 0
5 vsrv1.fsn.de.weretis.net   1075 17.29 0.14 0.07 3.52MB 0.01 3.35 6184 0 0 0 34 0
6 kotz.erje.net   762 8.09 0.10 0.01 3.36MB 0.01 4.52 9410 0 0 0 5 0
7 cabale.usenet-fr.net   196 14.12 0.03 0.00 478.08KB 0.00 2.44 1386 0 0 0 2 0
8 solo.fdn.fr   64 2.69 0.01 0.01 909.18KB 0.00 14.21 2373 0 0 0 3 0
9 cleanfeed-b.proxad.net  4 29 65.91 0.00 0.00 50.85KB 0.00 1.75 44 0 0 0 0 0
10 cleanfeed-a.proxad.net  4 21 63.64 0.00 0.00 49.53KB 0.00 2.36 33 0 0 0 0 0
Total 772853 0.00 100.00 9.26 39.76GB 100.00 53.94 61241 0 0 0 2917 0


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2. Summary of Incoming Feeds by Volume

Incoming Feed (+ Top1000 #)Volume%VolKbpsAccepted%Acc%TotKB/artCheckIhaveSpamTooOldRejsErrs
1 feeder1-1.proxad.net  4 39.74GB 99.94 3857.96 764801 8970.22 98.96 54.48 5779 0 0 0 2747 0
2 iqoq.erje.net   6.20MB 0.02 0.60 2429 17.07 0.31 2.61 14211 0 0 0 20 0
3 fleegle.mixmin.net   5.41MB 0.01 4.11 1779 11.07 0.23 3.12 16015 0 0 0 49 0
4 vsrv1.qas.us.weretis.net   4.45MB 0.01 2.53 1697 28.94 0.22 2.68 5806 0 0 0 57 0
5 vsrv1.fsn.de.weretis.net   3.52MB 0.01 2.00 1075 17.29 0.14 3.35 6184 0 0 0 34 0
6 kotz.erje.net   3.36MB 0.01 0.42 762 8.09 0.10 4.52 9410 0 0 0 5 0
7 solo.fdn.fr   909.18KB 0.00 1.01 64 2.69 0.01 14.21 2373 0 0 0 3 0
8 cabale.usenet-fr.net   478.08KB 0.00 0.06 196 14.12 0.03 2.44 1386 0 0 0 2 0
9 cleanfeed-b.proxad.net  4 50.85KB 0.00 0.02 29 65.91 0.00 1.75 44 0 0 0 0 0
10 cleanfeed-a.proxad.net  4 49.53KB 0.00 0.03 21 63.64 0.00 2.36 33 0 0 0 0 0
Total 39.76GB 100.00 3868.74 772853 0.00 100.00 53.94 61241 0 0 0 2917 0


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3. Summary of Incoming Feeds by Estimated Rejected Volume

Incoming Feed (+ Top1000 #)Rej. Vol.%VolKbpsAccepted%Acc%TotKB/artCheckIhaveSpamTooOldRejsErrs
1 feeder1-1.proxad.net  4 3.44MB 86.16 0.33 764801 8970.22 98.96 54.48 5779 0 0 0 2747 0
2 vsrv1.qas.us.weretis.net   165.91KB 4.05 0.09 1697 28.94 0.22 2.68 5806 0 0 0 57 0
3 fleegle.mixmin.net   122.42KB 2.99 0.09 1779 11.07 0.23 3.12 16015 0 0 0 49 0
4 vsrv1.fsn.de.weretis.net   118.67KB 2.90 0.07 1075 17.29 0.14 3.35 6184 0 0 0 34 0
5 iqoq.erje.net   100.61KB 2.46 0.01 2429 17.07 0.31 2.61 14211 0 0 0 20 0
6 kotz.erje.net   47.12KB 1.15 0.01 762 8.09 0.10 4.52 9410 0 0 0 5 0
7 solo.fdn.fr   6.27KB 0.15 0.01 64 2.69 0.01 14.21 2373 0 0 0 3 0
8 cabale.usenet-fr.net   5.37KB 0.13 0.00 196 14.12 0.03 2.44 1386 0 0 0 2 0
9 cleanfeed-b.proxad.net  4 0.00KB 0.00 0.00 29 65.91 0.00 1.75 44 0 0 0 0 0
10 cleanfeed-a.proxad.net  4 0.00KB 0.00 0.00 21 63.64 0.00 2.36 33 0 0 0 0 0
Total 4.00MB 100.00 0.60 772853 0.00 100.00 53.94 61241 0 0 0 2917 0


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4. Summary of Incoming Feeds by Time

00 36839 4.77 2.04GB 5.13 650 0 0 80 0
01 31831 4.12 1.66GB 4.17 473 0 0 66 0
02 25350 3.28 1.47GB 3.70 389 0 0 52 0
03 31162 4.03 1.63GB 4.10 15543 0 0 238 0
04 25045 3.24 1.47GB 3.70 312 0 0 105 0
05 28843 3.73 1.63GB 4.10 470 0 0 118 0
06 28969 3.75 1.61GB 4.04 6040 0 0 117 0
07 24759 3.20 1.46GB 3.67 889 0 0 64 0
08 33482 4.33 1.81GB 4.56 834 0 0 135 0
09 28610 3.70 1.49GB 3.74 5397 0 0 98 0
10 41619 5.39 1.65GB 4.14 1840 0 0 99 0
11 47425 6.14 1.73GB 4.36 1173 0 0 117 0
12 45452 5.88 1.60GB 4.03 1043 0 0 268 0
13 44098 5.71 1.88GB 4.73 985 0 0 69 0
14 29456 3.81 1.79GB 4.51 995 0 0 67 0
15 27198 3.52 1.58GB 3.98 2709 0 0 211 0
16 33758 4.37 1.79GB 4.50 1227 0 0 91 0
17 31407 4.06 1.66GB 4.17 1199 0 0 138 0
18 24515 3.17 1.47GB 3.70 1182 0 0 154 0
19 33862 4.38 1.83GB 4.60 4581 0 0 109 0
20 32183 4.16 1.76GB 4.42 8173 0 0 161 0
21 28652 3.71 1.64GB 4.12 1139 0 0 204 0
22 33338 4.31 1.83GB 4.61 1095 0 0 104 0
23 25000 3.23 1.28GB 3.21 2903 0 0 52 0
Total 772853 100.00 39.76GB 100.00 61241 0 0 2917 0


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5. Summary of Outgoing Feeds by Article

Outgoing Feed (+ Top1000 #)Accepted%Acc%TotArt/secVolume%VolKB/artDupsRejs% Ratio (Out/In)
1 cleanfeed-b.proxad.net  4 391349 67.68 80.83 4.53 21.08GB 82.40 56.48 31009 155912 51.17
2 cleanfeed-a.proxad.net  4 82616 21.42 17.06 0.96 4.47GB 17.48 56.75 259547 43565 10.80
3 feeder1-1.proxad.net  4 6564 83.51 1.36 0.08 19.54MB 0.07 3.05 74 1222 0.86
4 feed.usenet-fr.net  #574 1484 46.71 0.31 0.02 3.77MB 0.01 2.60 844 849 148400.00
5 proxad-in.feeder.erje.net   901 14.73 0.19 0.01 4.33MB 0.02 4.92 5179 35 90100.00
6 news-in.mixmin.net   636 9.12 0.13 0.01 1.37MB 0.01 2.20 6262 78 63600.00
7 news.fdn.fr  #4223 414 20.76 0.09 0.00 1.36MB 0.01 3.36 1463 117 41400.00
8 proxad-in.news.weretis.net   228 4.53 0.05 0.00 473.67KB 0.00 2.08 4624 180 22800.00
Total 484192 0.49 100.00 5.61 25.58GB 100.00 55.40 309002 201958 62.65


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6. Summary of Outgoing Feeds by Volume

Outgoing Feed (+ Top1000 #)Volume%VolKbpsAccepted%Acc%TotKB/artDupsRejs% Ratio (Out/In)
1 cleanfeed-b.proxad.net  4 21.08GB 82.40 2046.43 391349 67.68 80.83 56.48 31009 155912 53.04
2 cleanfeed-a.proxad.net  4 4.47GB 17.48 434.15 82616 21.42 17.06 56.75 259547 43565 11.25
3 feeder1-1.proxad.net  4 19.54MB 0.07 1.87 6564 83.51 1.36 3.05 74 1222 0.05
4 proxad-in.feeder.erje.net   4.33MB 0.02 0.42 901 14.73 0.19 4.92 5179 35 453775100.00
5 feed.usenet-fr.net  #574 3.77MB 0.01 0.36 1484 46.71 0.31 2.60 844 849 395811300.00
6 news-in.mixmin.net   1.37MB 0.01 0.13 636 9.12 0.13 2.20 6262 78 143561500.00
7 news.fdn.fr  #4223 1.36MB 0.01 0.13 414 20.76 0.09 3.36 1463 117 142491800.00
8 proxad-in.news.weretis.net   473.67KB 0.00 0.04 228 4.53 0.05 2.08 4624 180 48503300.00
Total 25.58GB 100.00 2483.54 484192 0.49 100.00 55.40 309002 201958 64.34


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7. Summary of Outgoing Feeds by Estimated Rejected Volume

Outgoing Feed (+ Top1000 #)Rej. Vol.%VolKbpsAccepted%Acc%TotKB/artDupsRejs% Ratio (Out/In)
1 cleanfeed-b.proxad.net  4 7.73GB 77.59 750.74 391349 67.68 80.83 56.48 31009 155912 19.46
2 cleanfeed-a.proxad.net  4 2.23GB 22.35 216.26 82616 21.42 17.06 56.75 259547 43565 5.61
3 feeder1-1.proxad.net  4 3.51MB 0.03 0.34 6564 83.51 1.36 3.05 74 1222 0.01
4 feed.usenet-fr.net  #574 2.12MB 0.02 0.20 1484 46.71 0.31 2.60 844 849 221833800.00
5 news.fdn.fr  #4223 307.42KB 0.00 0.03 414 20.76 0.09 3.36 1463 117 31479900.00
6 proxad-in.news.weretis.net   213.64KB 0.00 0.02 228 4.53 0.05 2.08 4624 180 21876500.00
7 news-in.mixmin.net   182.65KB 0.00 0.02 636 9.12 0.13 2.20 6262 78 18703100.00
8 proxad-in.feeder.erje.net   144.54KB 0.00 0.01 901 14.73 0.19 4.92 5179 35 14800500.00
Total 9.97GB 100.00 967.62 484192 0.49 100.00 55.40 309002 201958 25.07


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8. Summary of Outgoing Feeds by Time

00 21929 4.53 1.23GB 4.79 13370 7137
01 21645 4.47 1.19GB 4.64 13138 7181
02 17276 3.57 1.02GB 4.00 10946 5802
03 17291 3.57 1.07GB 4.17 11152 7535
04 17018 3.51 1.01GB 3.95 10080 6250
05 17789 3.67 1.09GB 4.26 10140 8037
06 18079 3.73 1.06GB 4.13 9851 7883
07 17385 3.59 1.01GB 3.96 9870 6423
08 21000 4.34 1.19GB 4.66 13411 8856
09 15316 3.16 907.45MB 3.46 12185 9888
10 26186 5.41 1.03GB 4.03 17644 8098
11 29502 6.09 1013.57MB 3.87 19424 9466
12 30997 6.40 1.07GB 4.20 19465 10092
13 28674 5.92 1.16GB 4.54 19753 10569
14 18857 3.89 1.11GB 4.33 13076 7893
15 18203 3.76 1.07GB 4.18 10031 7418
16 21058 4.35 1.17GB 4.58 10354 11206
17 17411 3.60 988.62MB 3.77 13897 11941
18 15084 3.12 921.76MB 3.52 10607 6931
19 20658 4.27 1.20GB 4.70 13935 8900
20 19160 3.96 1.08GB 4.24 12289 7687
21 17024 3.52 1.02GB 3.98 13202 9423
22 19459 4.02 1.13GB 4.43 11632 10846
23 17191 3.55 940.45MB 3.59 9550 6496
Total 484192 100.00 25.58GB 100.00 309002 201958


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>= 20% Full >= 35% Full >= 50% Full >= 65% Full >= 80% Full >= 95% Full

9. Summary of Outgoing Queue

Outgoing FeedBatch SeqBatch NumBatch Max%Full
in2p3.fr 1763278-1763281 3 2 150
univ-paris8 1763350-1763591 241 240 100
u-picardie 1763195-1763436 241 240 100
tcx.org.uk 1369904-1370145 241 240 100
t-online.de 1680242-1680483 241 240 100
straub-nv.de 1680771-1681012 241 240 100
sdsu 1753339-1753580 241 240 100
sabotage 1763355-1763596 241 240 100
nntpfeed 1761389-1761630 241 240 100
neva.ru 1759461-1759702 241 240 100
kaist 1763355-1763596 241 240 100
ihug 1763355-1763596 241 240 100
google 1763355-1763596 241 240 100
glorb 1763355-1763596 241 240 100
germany.com 1759463-1759704 241 240 100
gandi 1463641-1463882 241 240 100
freenix 1762605-1762846 241 240 100
feeder2-2-big 1280723-1280963 240 240 100
feeder2-2 1763421-1763662 241 240 100
exalead 1763355-1763596 241 240 100
cleanfeed3-b.c 729404-729644 240 240 100
cleanfeed3-b.1 1762504-1762745 241 240 100
cleanfeed3-b 1763348-1763589 241 240 100
cleanfeed2-a.1 1762489-1762730 241 240 100
cleanfeed2-a 1763351-1763592 241 240 100
cleanfeed1-a.c 730199-730439 240 240 100
cleanfeed1-a.1 1762521-1762762 241 240 100
cleanfeed1-a 1763356-1763597 241 240 100
cleanfeed2-a.c 730194-730414 220 240 91
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10. Summary of Curious Activity

1st TimeLast Time# MsgsMessage
00:05:02  23:55:01 5482 ns2.freenix.org: Connection refused
00:05:02  23:55:01 3444 cleanfeed1-a.proxad.net: 400 You are limited to 20 connections
00:05:02  23:55:01 3437 cleanfeed2-a.proxad.net: 400 You are limited to 20 connections
00:05:02  23:55:15 2296 nntpfeed.proxad.net: 502 nntpfeed.proxad.net: temporary server error
00:01:19  23:59:28 2159 tig-news-proxad-in-1.ihug.net: Connection timed out
00:01:19  23:59:27 2159 news.neva.ru: Connection timed out
00:01:19  23:59:27 2159 news-in.glorb.com: Connection timed out
00:01:19  23:59:27 2159 gondor.sdsu.edu: Connection timed out
00:01:19  23:59:28 2141 news.u-picardie.fr: Connection timed out
00:02:37  23:59:27 1439 news.cemef.mines-paristech.fr: Connection timed out
00:01:19  23:58:10 1428 news.in2p3.fr: Connection timed out
00:05:02  23:55:01 1148 newsfeeds.germany.com: hostname lookup failure: Success
00:05:02  23:55:01 1148 newsfeed2.google.com: hostname lookup failure: Success
00:05:02  23:55:01 1148 newsfeed01.sul.t-online.de: hostname lookup failure: Success
00:05:02  23:55:01 1148 newsfeed.straub-nv.de: hostname lookup failure: Success
00:05:02  23:55:01 1148 news.cs.univ-paris8.fr: hostname lookup failure: Success
00:05:02  23:55:01 1148 news-transit.tcx.org.uk: hostname lookup failure: Success
00:05:02  23:55:01 1148 news-hub.kaist.ac.kr: hostname lookup failure: Success
00:05:02  23:55:01 1148 innfeed.exalead.com: hostname lookup failure: Success
00:05:02  23:55:01 1148 heroin.sabotage.org: hostname lookup failure: Success
00:05:02  23:55:01 1148 feed.gandi.net: hostname lookup failure: Success
00:03:10  23:58:10 1136 feeder2-2.proxad.net: Connection timed out
00:03:46  23:54:20 284 iqoq.erje.net Path element fails to match aliases: 3.eu.feeder.erje.net
00:06:34  23:56:27 216 kotz.erje.net Path element fails to match aliases: 2.eu.feeder.erje.net
08:57:24  22:58:53 11 cleanfeed4-b.proxad.net Path element fails to match aliases: cleanfeed3-b.proxad.net
09:45:30   1 proxad-in.news.weretis.net: Connection refused
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Generated on 20240630 0014 by feeder-stats v4.005. Copyright © 2002 The Diablo Project. Valid HTML 4.0!