
DIABLO statistics for feeder1-2.proxad.net (Top1000 4) on Wed 19 Mar 2025

Newsfeed Contact: NewsMaster

Generated on 20250319 0014 by feeder-stats v4.005. Copyright © 2002 The Diablo Project.

  1. Summary of Incoming Feeds by Article
  2. Summary of Incoming Feeds by Volume
  3. Summary of Incoming Feeds by Estimated Rejected Volume
  4. Summary of Incoming Feeds by Time
  5. Summary of Outgoing Feeds by Article
  6. Summary of Outgoing Feeds by Volume
  7. Summary of Outgoing Feeds by Estimated Rejected Volume
  8. Summary of Outgoing Feeds by Time
  9. Summary of Outgoing Queue
  10. Summary of Curious Activity

Diablo running processes:  11    Dnewslink running processes:  54

 00:14:09 up 194 days, 10:38,  0 users,  load average: 0.09, 0.09, 0.08

Filesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/sda1             8.7G  643M  8.1G   8% /news
/dev/md1               69G   49G   21G  71% /news/spool/news/md1
/dev/md2               69G   49G   21G  71% /news/spool/news/md2
/dev/md3               69G   49G   21G  71% /news/spool/news/md3
/dev/md4               69G   49G   21G  71% /news/spool/news/md4
/dev/md5               69G   49G   21G  71% /news/spool/news/md5
/dev/md6               69G   49G   21G  71% /news/spool/news/md6
/dev/md7               69G   49G   21G  71% /news/spool/news/md7

1. Summary of Incoming Feeds by Article

Incoming Feed (+ Top1000 #)Accepted%Acc%TotArt/secVolume%VolKB/artCheckIhaveSpamTooOldRejsErrs
1 feeder1-1.proxad.net  4 1282392 1776.56 99.26 14.84 51.55GB 99.94 42.15 63354 0 0 0 8830 0
2 iqoq.erje.net   2635 24.08 0.20 0.03 8.31MB 0.02 3.23 10871 0 0 0 72 0
3 vsrv1.qas.us.weretis.net   2372 36.46 0.18 0.16 7.33MB 0.01 3.17 6456 0 0 0 49 0
4 vsrv1.fsn.de.weretis.net   1902 12.31 0.15 0.18 6.46MB 0.01 3.48 15354 0 0 0 94 0
5 fleegle.mixmin.net   1578 9.83 0.12 0.15 5.40MB 0.01 3.51 15952 0 0 0 93 0
6 kotz.erje.net   954 10.51 0.07 0.01 3.27MB 0.01 3.51 9058 0 0 0 16 0
7 cabale.usenet-fr.net   89 11.28 0.01 0.00 211.94KB 0.00 2.38 787 0 0 0 2 0
8 solo.fdn.fr   34 2.43 0.00 0.00 154.19KB 0.00 4.53 1402 0 0 0 0 0
9 cleanfeed-a.proxad.net  4 14 77.78 0.00 0.00 20.25KB 0.00 1.45 17 0 0 0 1 0
10 cleanfeed-b.proxad.net  4 12 54.55 0.00 0.00 23.26KB 0.00 1.94 21 0 0 0 1 0
Total 1291982 0.00 100.00 15.38 51.58GB 100.00 41.87 123272 0 0 0 9158 0


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2. Summary of Incoming Feeds by Volume

Incoming Feed (+ Top1000 #)Volume%VolKbpsAccepted%Acc%TotKB/artCheckIhaveSpamTooOldRejsErrs
1 feeder1-1.proxad.net  4 51.55GB 99.94 5005.40 1282392 1776.56 99.26 42.15 63354 0 0 0 8830 0
2 iqoq.erje.net   8.31MB 0.02 0.81 2635 24.08 0.20 3.23 10871 0 0 0 72 0
3 vsrv1.qas.us.weretis.net   7.33MB 0.01 4.17 2372 36.46 0.18 3.17 6456 0 0 0 49 0
4 vsrv1.fsn.de.weretis.net   6.46MB 0.01 4.90 1902 12.31 0.15 3.48 15354 0 0 0 94 0
5 fleegle.mixmin.net   5.40MB 0.01 4.10 1578 9.83 0.12 3.51 15952 0 0 0 93 0
6 kotz.erje.net   3.27MB 0.01 0.38 954 10.51 0.07 3.51 9058 0 0 0 16 0
7 cabale.usenet-fr.net   211.94KB 0.00 0.03 89 11.28 0.01 2.38 787 0 0 0 2 0
8 solo.fdn.fr   154.19KB 0.00 0.17 34 2.43 0.00 4.53 1402 0 0 0 0 0
9 cleanfeed-b.proxad.net  4 23.26KB 0.00 0.03 12 54.55 0.00 1.94 21 0 0 0 1 0
10 cleanfeed-a.proxad.net  4 20.25KB 0.00 0.02 14 77.78 0.00 1.45 17 0 0 0 1 0
Total 51.58GB 100.00 5020.02 1291982 0.00 100.00 41.87 123272 0 0 0 9158 0


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3. Summary of Incoming Feeds by Estimated Rejected Volume

Incoming Feed (+ Top1000 #)Rej. Vol.%VolKbpsAccepted%Acc%TotKB/artCheckIhaveSpamTooOldRejsErrs
1 feeder1-1.proxad.net  4 6.17MB 86.59 0.58 1282392 1776.56 99.26 42.15 63354 0 0 0 8830 0
2 iqoq.erje.net   258.83KB 3.55 0.02 2635 24.08 0.20 3.23 10871 0 0 0 72 0
3 fleegle.mixmin.net   247.55KB 3.39 0.18 1578 9.83 0.12 3.51 15952 0 0 0 93 0
4 vsrv1.fsn.de.weretis.net   229.09KB 3.14 0.17 1902 12.31 0.15 3.48 15354 0 0 0 94 0
5 vsrv1.qas.us.weretis.net   174.67KB 2.39 0.10 2372 36.46 0.18 3.17 6456 0 0 0 49 0
6 kotz.erje.net   61.95KB 0.85 0.01 954 10.51 0.07 3.51 9058 0 0 0 16 0
7 cabale.usenet-fr.net   4.98KB 0.07 0.00 89 11.28 0.01 2.38 787 0 0 0 2 0
8 cleanfeed-a.proxad.net  4 0.87KB 0.01 0.00 14 77.78 0.00 1.45 17 0 0 0 1 0
9 cleanfeed-b.proxad.net  4 0.76KB 0.01 0.00 12 54.55 0.00 1.94 21 0 0 0 1 0
10 solo.fdn.fr   0.00KB 0.00 0.00 34 2.43 0.00 4.53 1402 0 0 0 0 0
Total 7.13MB 100.00 1.07 1291982 0.00 100.00 41.87 123272 0 0 0 9158 0


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4. Summary of Incoming Feeds by Time

00 37193 2.88 905.33MB 1.71 702 0 0 60 0
01 46232 3.58 1.81GB 3.51 655 0 0 72 0
02 35153 2.72 1.29GB 2.51 390 0 0 47 0
03 52755 4.08 1.91GB 3.70 440 0 0 36 0
04 60440 4.68 1.98GB 3.83 13669 0 0 98 0
05 70843 5.48 2.91GB 5.64 8877 0 0 69 0
06 41330 3.20 1.29GB 2.51 7680 0 0 37 0
07 36560 2.83 1.18GB 2.29 404 0 0 37 0
08 52633 4.07 2.01GB 3.90 590 0 0 304 0
09 55828 4.32 2.28GB 4.41 882 0 0 78 0
10 50415 3.90 1.93GB 3.75 831 0 0 83 0
11 43578 3.37 1.57GB 3.04 1723 0 0 72 0
12 33335 2.58 1.35GB 2.61 911 0 0 74 0
13 160899 12.45 9.17GB 17.77 30463 0 0 4953 0
14 52369 4.05 2.62GB 5.08 21367 0 0 1181 0
15 43917 3.40 1.71GB 3.31 2318 0 0 77 0
16 54725 4.24 2.47GB 4.79 1995 0 0 81 0
17 42039 3.25 1.82GB 3.53 1088 0 0 115 0
18 31647 2.45 1.08GB 2.09 1072 0 0 85 0
19 40122 3.11 1.38GB 2.68 5083 0 0 214 0
20 78701 6.09 3.37GB 6.53 15133 0 0 805 0
21 56194 4.35 1.97GB 3.83 1187 0 0 142 0
22 51128 3.96 1.58GB 3.07 875 0 0 84 0
23 63946 4.95 2.01GB 3.90 4937 0 0 354 0
Total 1291982 100.00 51.58GB 100.00 123272 0 0 9158 0


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5. Summary of Outgoing Feeds by Article

Outgoing Feed (+ Top1000 #)Accepted%Acc%TotArt/secVolume%VolKB/artDupsRejs% Ratio (Out/In)
1 cleanfeed-a.proxad.net  4 194494 60.14 48.62 2.25 6.96GB 50.00 37.53 6 128927 15.17
2 cleanfeed-b.proxad.net  4 193762 60.40 48.44 2.24 6.93GB 49.77 37.50 15 127003 15.11
3 feeder1-1.proxad.net  4 6696 74.46 1.67 0.08 21.92MB 0.15 3.35 54 2243 0.52
4 feed.usenet-fr.net  #574 1380 39.83 0.34 0.02 3.76MB 0.03 2.79 597 1488 138000.00
5 proxad-in.feeder.erje.net   1321 15.49 0.33 0.02 2.88MB 0.02 2.23 7169 40 132100.00
6 news-in.mixmin.net   1282 14.57 0.32 0.02 2.68MB 0.02 2.14 7310 206 128200.00
7 news.fdn.fr  #4223 675 36.29 0.17 0.01 1.93MB 0.01 2.92 882 303 67500.00
8 proxad-in.news.weretis.net   425 7.53 0.11 0.00 938.15KB 0.01 2.21 4664 555 42500.00
Total 400035 0.59 100.00 4.63 13.93GB 100.00 36.50 20697 260765 30.96


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6. Summary of Outgoing Feeds by Volume

Outgoing Feed (+ Top1000 #)Volume%VolKbpsAccepted%Acc%TotKB/artDupsRejs% Ratio (Out/In)
1 cleanfeed-a.proxad.net  4 6.96GB 50.00 675.93 194494 60.14 48.62 37.53 6 128927 13.50
2 cleanfeed-b.proxad.net  4 6.93GB 49.77 672.82 193762 60.40 48.44 37.50 15 127003 13.44
3 feeder1-1.proxad.net  4 21.92MB 0.15 2.11 6696 74.46 1.67 3.35 54 2243 0.04
4 feed.usenet-fr.net  #574 3.76MB 0.03 0.36 1380 39.83 0.34 2.79 597 1488 394656500.00
5 proxad-in.feeder.erje.net   2.88MB 0.02 0.28 1321 15.49 0.33 2.23 7169 40 302305600.00
6 news-in.mixmin.net   2.68MB 0.02 0.26 1282 14.57 0.32 2.14 7310 206 281027100.00
7 news.fdn.fr  #4223 1.93MB 0.01 0.18 675 36.29 0.17 2.92 882 303 201914200.00
8 proxad-in.news.weretis.net   938.15KB 0.01 0.09 425 7.53 0.11 2.21 4664 555 96066100.00
Total 13.93GB 100.00 1352.03 400035 0.59 100.00 36.50 20697 260765 26.99


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7. Summary of Outgoing Feeds by Estimated Rejected Volume

Outgoing Feed (+ Top1000 #)Rej. Vol.%VolKbpsAccepted%Acc%TotKB/artDupsRejs% Ratio (Out/In)
1 cleanfeed-a.proxad.net  4 7.36GB 50.32 715.02 194494 60.14 48.62 37.53 6 128927 14.28
2 cleanfeed-b.proxad.net  4 7.26GB 49.59 704.55 193762 60.40 48.44 37.50 15 127003 14.08
3 feeder1-1.proxad.net  4 7.05MB 0.05 0.68 6696 74.46 1.67 3.35 54 2243 0.01
4 feed.usenet-fr.net  #574 3.89MB 0.03 0.37 1380 39.83 0.34 2.79 597 1488 407730100.00
5 news.fdn.fr  #4223 950.39KB 0.01 0.09 675 36.29 0.17 2.92 882 303 97319800.00
6 proxad-in.news.weretis.net   878.65KB 0.01 0.08 425 7.53 0.11 2.21 4664 555 89974200.00
7 news-in.mixmin.net   312.48KB 0.00 0.03 1282 14.57 0.32 2.14 7310 206 31998300.00
8 proxad-in.feeder.erje.net   88.50KB 0.00 0.01 1321 15.49 0.33 2.23 7169 40 9062300.00
Total 14.63GB 100.00 1420.83 400035 0.59 100.00 36.50 20697 260765 28.37


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8. Summary of Outgoing Feeds by Time

00 12930 3.23 298.11MB 2.09 639 4203
01 15237 3.81 536.79MB 3.76 657 9368
02 12645 3.16 437.49MB 3.07 414 5991
03 16615 4.15 455.14MB 3.19 454 7203
04 20981 5.24 657.70MB 4.61 429 10744
05 20154 5.04 575.08MB 4.03 461 14866
06 17529 4.38 548.10MB 3.84 401 4211
07 15520 3.88 497.59MB 3.49 415 2830
08 17970 4.49 593.55MB 4.16 543 9075
09 18538 4.63 752.20MB 5.28 728 10040
10 18342 4.59 732.30MB 5.14 737 7145
11 16050 4.01 600.35MB 4.21 727 6484
12 13221 3.30 511.35MB 3.59 833 4783
13 14412 3.60 599.39MB 4.20 900 59312
14 11691 2.92 550.44MB 3.86 929 24088
15 14770 3.69 628.96MB 4.41 852 6812
16 15736 3.93 667.33MB 4.68 989 13347
17 15735 3.93 683.71MB 4.79 1134 5919
18 12014 3.00 437.57MB 3.07 1016 5712
19 13364 3.34 484.14MB 3.40 939 5568
20 21787 5.45 735.04MB 5.15 3703 16956
21 20514 5.13 791.70MB 5.55 963 11076
22 20037 5.01 695.19MB 4.88 788 7904
23 24243 6.06 790.01MB 5.54 1046 7128
Total 400035 100.00 13.93GB 100.00 20697 260765


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>= 20% Full >= 35% Full >= 50% Full >= 65% Full >= 80% Full >= 95% Full

9. Summary of Outgoing Queue

Outgoing FeedBatch SeqBatch NumBatch Max%Full
in2p3.fr 1837734-1837737 3 2 150
univ-paris8 1838535-1838776 241 240 100
u-picardie 1837949-1838190 241 240 100
tcx.org.uk 1445090-1445331 241 240 100
t-online.de 1755428-1755669 241 240 100
straub-nv.de 1755957-1756198 241 240 100
sdsu 1828525-1828766 241 240 100
sabotage 1838541-1838782 241 240 100
nntpfeed 1836575-1836816 241 240 100
neva.ru 1834647-1834888 241 240 100
kaist 1838541-1838782 241 240 100
ihug 1838541-1838782 241 240 100
google 1838541-1838782 241 240 100
glorb 1838541-1838782 241 240 100
germany.com 1834649-1834890 241 240 100
gandi 1505053-1505293 240 240 100
freenix 1836252-1836493 241 240 100
feeder2-2-big 1282165-1282405 240 240 100
feeder2-2 1838606-1838847 241 240 100
exalead 1838541-1838782 241 240 100
cleanfeed4-b.c 736754-736994 240 240 100
cleanfeed4-b.1 1837429-1837670 241 240 100
cleanfeed4-b 1838535-1838776 241 240 100
cleanfeed4-a.1 1588585-1588826 241 240 100
cleanfeed4-a 1589720-1589961 241 240 100
cleanfeed3-b.c 735014-735254 240 240 100
cleanfeed3-b.1 1837426-1837667 241 240 100
cleanfeed3-b 1838533-1838774 241 240 100
cleanfeed2-a.c 735786-736026 240 240 100
cleanfeed2-a.1 1837410-1837651 241 240 100
cleanfeed2-a 1838536-1838777 241 240 100
cleanfeed1-b.c 735709-735949 240 240 100
cleanfeed1-b.1 1837428-1837669 241 240 100
cleanfeed1-b 1838530-1838771 241 240 100
cleanfeed1-a.c 735811-736051 240 240 100
cleanfeed1-a.1 1837440-1837681 241 240 100
cleanfeed1-a 1838541-1838782 241 240 100
cleanfeed4-a.c 487478-487678 200 240 83
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10. Summary of Curious Activity

1st TimeLast Time# MsgsMessage
00:01:19  23:59:28 2159 tig-news-proxad-in-1.ihug.net: Connection timed out
00:01:19  23:59:28 2159 news.u-picardie.fr: Connection timed out
00:01:19  23:59:28 2158 news-in.glorb.com: Connection timed out
00:01:18  23:59:28 2158 gondor.sdsu.edu: Connection timed out
00:01:18  23:58:10 2026 news.neva.ru: Connection timed out
00:02:37  23:59:28 1440 news.cemef.mines-paristech.fr: Connection timed out
00:01:18  23:59:28 1429 news.in2p3.fr: Connection timed out
00:05:01  23:55:02 1148 newsfeeds.germany.com: hostname lookup failure: Success
00:05:01  23:55:02 1148 newsfeed2.google.com: hostname lookup failure: Success
00:05:01  23:55:02 1148 newsfeed01.sul.t-online.de: hostname lookup failure: Success
00:05:01  23:55:02 1148 newsfeed.straub-nv.de: hostname lookup failure: Success
00:05:01  23:55:02 1148 news.cs.univ-paris8.fr: hostname lookup failure: Success
00:05:01  23:55:02 1148 news-transit.tcx.org.uk: hostname lookup failure: Success
00:05:01  23:55:02 1148 news-hub.kaist.ac.kr: hostname lookup failure: Success
00:05:01  23:55:02 1148 innfeed.exalead.com: hostname lookup failure: Success
00:05:01  23:55:02 1148 heroin.sabotage.org: hostname lookup failure: Success
00:05:01  23:55:02 1148 feed.gandi.net: hostname lookup failure: Success
00:03:10  23:58:11 1137 feeder2-2.proxad.net: Connection timed out
00:03:10  23:59:28 524 cleanfeed2-a.proxad.net: Connection timed out
00:02:30  23:56:45 282 iqoq.erje.net Path element fails to match aliases: 3.eu.feeder.erje.net
00:05:09  23:59:44 233 kotz.erje.net Path element fails to match aliases: 2.eu.feeder.erje.net
04:15:01  20:10:01 85 cleanfeed1-b.proxad.net: 400 You are limited to 20 connections
03:30:01  19:35:01 75 cleanfeed1-a.proxad.net: 400 You are limited to 20 connections
04:53:13  20:23:13 2 cleanfeed4-b.proxad.net: Connection timed out
20:48:13   1 cleanfeed4-a.proxad.net: Connection timed out
18:43:13   1 cleanfeed3-b.proxad.net: Connection timed out
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Generated on 20250319 0014 by feeder-stats v4.005. Copyright © 2002 The Diablo Project. Valid HTML 4.0!